
Oils Sours
Mortality Effect


The results of mortality effect comparison of oils and insecticides mixtures on Khapra larvae reared on oil source and wheat. Showed that the larvae reared on oil source exhibit a higher response to the mixture in comparison with larvae reared on wheat especially larvae reared on Sunflower ,Sesame ,Groundnut and Almond and their general mortality mean reached 63.98 , 55.19 , 57.12 and 59.94 % respectively , the general mortality mean of larvae reared on oil source were higher than mortality occurred on larvae reared on wheat and reached 56.65 , 56.66, 55.34 and 59.09 for oils mixed with Alpha- cypermethrin , Acetamipirid , Lufenuron and Indoxacarb respectively , in comparison with 54.59 , 54.22 , 54.66 , and 41.98 % for the Larvae reared on wheat and treated with oils mixed with Alpha- cypermethrin , Acetamipirid , Lufenuron and Indoxacarb respectively.