Five entries of durum Wheat (1- Azul-5 2- Yousef-1 3- Omgenil-3 4- Syrian-4 5- Mrb3/mna-1) in addition to local cultivar (Um-Rabeeh) and their hybrids were used. The studied characters were number of days to 50% flowering, plant height, number of grains/spike, number of spikes/m2 , biological yield , grain yield, harvest index, 1000-grain weight and protein percentage. Entries were significantly different at 1% level for all traits. Phenotypic and genetic coefficient variation vounes were low for numbers of days to 50% flowering , number of spikes/plant , grain yield and protein percentage , medium for plant height , number of grains/spike, biological yield and harvest index and high for 1000-grain weight . Expected genetic advance values were low for number of days to 50% flowering, 1000-grain weight and protein percentage, high for grain yield and medium for the other traits . The cross (Syrian-4 × Azul-5) exhibited significant heterosis in desirable direction for plant height, biological yield and grain yield , while the cross (Um - Rabeeh×Yousef-1) had significant and positive heterosis for protein percentage .