


400 of unsexsd chickens (Fawbro) at 22 days old were used to study the effect of adding vitamin c to Drinking water on some physiological and productive performance of broiler reared under high environmental temperature 36o C for eight hours daily . Four treatment were used as follows : T1 Control No vitamin c added , T2 Adding 100mg vitamin cLiter water , T3 Adding 150mg vitamin cLiter water , T4 Adding 200mg vitamin cLiter water, feed and water were Ad Libitum . Statistic analysis showed that adding vitamin c resulted in significant increase P ≤ 0.5 in average body weight , relative growth rate , feed consumption , R.B.C. numbers , Hb concentration . Significant decrease P ≤ 0.5 in Glycogen concentration in Liver and Heart , Blood glucose level ,P.C.V.volume and water consumption .No significant differences were showed in Dressing percentage .