


The study aimed at determining the amount of red meats production and consumption in Iraq during (1980-2004) for the period , determining positive and negative differences between production and consumption to determine the country self sufficient or there are a nutritional gap of this goods. Red meats are considered as essential food goods for Iraqi families' nutrition basket and important source for supplying animal protein in human nourishing. The question of food providing is apolitical matter rather than economical one. This circumstances persuaded the researcher to carry out this study which concentrated at studying the present situation of red meats production and consumption in Iraq finding showed that there were shortage in production of red meat , and the gap is getting expand according to population increase demand. This situation caused expanding of gap between the production and consumption. Altimetly this problem leaded to decrease in individual consumption share percentage from red meat. The finding also showed that the country mean production of this goods is (46000) thusend Tan but the average of total consumption is (108000) Tan. The average of individual consumption is (6,6) km.