
black seed
Laying pullets
productive trait
physiological trait
immune trait


This experiment was conducted by using black seed powder (Nigella sativa) at the rate of 0.0, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.30% in the diet of 144 layers/chicks ISA BROWN 2000, and the age from 4 up to 16 weeks, the chicks were allocated on to four feeding treatments to study its effect on some productive and physiological traits and the immune response against Newcastle disease and Avian Influenza (AI) viruses. Result showed that treatments had no significant effect on pullets productive traits studied, but age intervals had significant effect on most productive traits. Treatments had significant effect on pullets immune response, so caused high antibody titer against Newcastle disease (ND) virus in blood plasma mainly for the group fed (0.30% black seed powaer).Age intervals had a significant effect on pullets immune response, so their titer against ND and (AI) viruses were improved significantly.