Full cream sheep milk cheese was used as main part in the processing of processed cheese .This product was mixed with dried skim milk to produce three types of low, medium and high fat level (20,30 and 40 ± 1 respectively) cheese calculated on dried weight based. Three kinds of emulsifying salts namely, Trisodium phosphate ,Trisodium citrate and mixture (one: one) of both salt for each fat level. The results showed that moisture % ,fat% and pH were decreased, whereas total nitrogen and soluble nitrogen % were increased .These changes were continued at room temperature storage and with storage period compared with storage in refrigerator. After two months less preferable changes in reological properties were observed in low fat cheese which stored at refrigerator by using citrate salts .Results also showed that preferable organoleptic properties were noticed with one day aged high fat cheese which stored in refrigerator using phosphates salts as emulsifiers.