Eighty five Hamdani (H) and 41 Karadi (K) ewes were included in four body condition score (BCS) groups, to study the effect of ewe BCS at tapping on their fertility, lambing percentage, milk production, lamb weights, carcase weight and meat production and their financial returns. Ewes were fed 400g /day/head of concentrate ration which increased to 1 kg/day/head during lactating season. Lambs were on concentrate free feeding from weaning to slaughter. Ewes in BCS3 were found to have significant (p< 0.05) superiority than those in BCS1 and 4 in fertility percentage and than both breed ewes in BCS1 and K ewes in BCS4 in lambing percentage . The significant (p< 0.05) high milk production of the two breed ewes in BCS3 hence for significant (p< 0.05) heavier lamb weaning weight and ADG for H and K breed when compared to those in BCS1 and BCS2 .BCS3 group drew a head of others in weaning percentage and lamb weaning weight to original ewe number ratio for H and K breed. While the lower recoreds were observed for both breed lambs in BCS1 . H and K lambs in BCS3 last 145 and 162.5 days to slaughter which were significantly (p