


The study aimed at analyze the content of extension bulletins which are produced by the general faculty of agricultural extension and cooperation 2007-2008 according to the content the (What says?) and the shape (How says?). Content analysis technique was used to describe the content of bulletins. Results showed that 28.57% of bulletins contented themes belong to the field of plant protection. 55% From the bulletins were prepared by participators have Ph.D. certificates. 28.58% from the bulletins were aimed to improve the level of knowledge about controlling the agric pests and diseases by using the developed irrigation systems. 57.14% of the bulletins consist pictures and painting with less than 10% from the whole area of each bulletins. The researchers concluded that the extension bulletins were concentrated on serious themes for farmer especially the diffusion of diseases and pest. So the researchers recommended that there were importance to produce bulletins in the fields of forestry, husbandry and food industries, in addition to increasing the size of pictures and paintings in the bulletins and devoting budget to produce periodical enables the college of agriculture new bulletins.