Processed cheese was manufacture from whole sheep milk. The first treatment was conducted by mixing full cream sheep milk cheese with low fat cow curd cheese; in other treatment a low fat labnah (semidried yoghurt) was used to produce three levels of low, medium and high fat cheese (20,30 and 40% ±1)respectively, calculated on dry matter base. Three types of emulsifiers were used for each fat level. From chemical analysis the curd and labnah used had decreased fat percent because they contain less fat. Chemical contain of cheese where inversely increased with fat percent. Physical properties of the processed cheese were improved concerning dispersion, penetration and cutting time, Whoever the least improvement was observed in low fat cheese stored at refrigeration for a longer storage time when using sodium citrate as emulsifier which gave the sample more higher. Cheese samples were organoleptically evaluated and the best sample was the high fat cheese stored in refrigerator for one day. Results also indicated that using low fat labnah as filling matter was preferable compering to curd in both physical and organoleptical properties.