


The subject of economic reform has been recently placed at the top of programmers of economic policies in developing countries. The reform process can not be integrated reform without the other sectors, including the agriculture one. The aim of this research demonstrates the impact of economic reform on the amount and efficiency of agricultural loans provided by banks for farmers, especially small farmers. The hypothesis of research refers to the affects of economic reform on the amount and efficiency of loans provided by agricultural banks in the sample (Syria, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia). And was relying on two-way link in analysis, the first is based on theoretical studies which addressed the same subject, the second, quantitative methods based, on econometric, and then interpret the results of the quantitative method for assessing the theoretical side in the study. The analysis depended on the post-reform economic periods. Efficiency of agricultural Lending measuring by contributing of agricultural loans in the agricultural production for countries in the sample. Conclusions show that there are positive indications in some changes after adopting the economic reform on the research sample, and confirms that the adoption of economic reform programmers could be used in agricultural banks.