


The study was carried out during the growing seasons 2001-2002 on olive Olea europaea l c.v. Ashrasi ,15 year-old in an orchard of olive trees located in Bashika Uniform trees were chosen in terms of size , growth and production. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects four constrictions of growth regulators Alsol and Ethrel 0, 500, 1000, 2000 ppm and their combinations 1000, 2000, 4000 ppm and date of spary 25/12/2001 on the fruit of olive fruits in order to ease harvesting and some fruits characteristics (i.e. oil and protein percentage). Fruits were harvested at two dates (one week or two weeks after spraying ). The experiment was conducted as randomized complete block design; each treatment was replicated three times. The study showed that the application of growth retardant Alsol and Ethrel and their combinations reduced significantly the attachment force of olive fruits as well as their times and concentration , whereas Alsol and Ethrel and their combinations increased significantly the percentage of fruit drop. Also the highest concentration of these chemicals increased significantly leaf abscission .Also the effect of these chemical and their combinations increased significantly the percentage of oil content.