


This research was carried out at Ninevah governorate to study some economical criteria evaluation through using different mechanization criteria under semi arid condition, these criteria included (mechanical support, mechanical power availability, financial support, coefficient of time exploitation and hectare revenue). Data were taken from four agriculture companies specialized in wheat and barley planting during (2004 – 2005) agric. season. These companies were different with each other in planted areas human, technical and mechanical capability. These companies were compared with each other in plowing and planting operation as well as in harvesting and then in total or general agriculture operation. The results for the general agricultural operations were summarized as follows: The second company showed that the highest value in mechanical support (11.19)kW/man while the first company gave the highest value in mechanical power availability (0.33) kW/ha. The first company showed the highest financial support (1771484) Dinar/man, while the highest time exploitation coefficient (59%) was for the second company. highest revenue (84400) Dinar/hectare was for first company.