


Codling moth is very common pest that infesting the apples in addition to pear and quince. Also produce high economic looses. The percentage of fallen fruits as a result of infestation was 60.34 %. Infestation by this pest also caused that the fruits to be not approached to the normal size and weight as well. The size of invaded fruits was 56.18 cm3, while that of the non-invaded was 71.68 cm3 in average. The average weight of infested fruits was 46.78 gr. and that of the non-infested was 59.98 gr. Chemical control of the pest was conducted using three concentrations of the pesticides: Actellic (1, 1.35 &1.6 cm3 / L.), Danitol (0.6, 0.9 & 1.2 cm3 / L), and Sumicidin (0.67, 0.95 & 1.2 cm3 / L) at the three peaks 20 April, 21 May & 1 July according to the threshold level. Results of control showed high activity for the three insecticides giving 0.77, 0.87 & 4.74 % as an average of infesting fruits respectively, while that of control was 77.59 %. It can be concluded that for successful control it must be precisely define the emergence of the pest using the light and food traps which considered being very important issue to demonstrate spray times for the chemical control.