
Tillage system
Seeding rates


The experiment was carried out during the winter agricultural season 2018-2019 in Nineveh Governorate at two location (Hamdaniya district 25-30 km east of Mosul  and Talkif district 25-30 km north of Mosul), the experiment include two factors, tillage systems (conservation  and  conventional tillage) and seeding rates (80 , 100 and 120 kg.ha-1), the seeds were planted at 11/1/2019 and 12/1/2019 for the two locations respectively. The variety   Adana  registered certified by Ministry of Agriculture was used. The experiment was applied as factorial experiment  using split plots system by R.C.B.D with three replications. The main plots contained the two tillage systems levels , and  the sub plots contained seeding rates levels , the experimental unit area was 20 m2,  The results showed no significant differences between tillage system in number-of narrow and broad leaves weeds and their weight for two location but the conservation  tillage was  surpassed conventional for grain yield  by 78.57 and 119.52 gm.m-2 in Hamdaniya and Talkef  location respectively, non-significant differences between the seeding rates in no-of narrow and broad  leaves weeds for two location , but seeding rate 120 kg.ha-1 surpassed 80 and 100 kg.ha-1 for grain yield 281.89 and 360.01 gm .m2 in Hamdaniya and Talkef location respectively. Non–significant differences between the seeding rates with conservation or conventional tillage in narrow leaves weeds for two location but lower number-of broad leaves weeds in seeding rate 120 kg.m-2 with conservation agriculture for two location. The best grains yield  obtain with seeding rates 120 kg.h-1 and conservation tillage by  314.62 and 405.02 gm.m-2 in Hamdaniya and Talkef locations respectively.