


       The study included  the drying Effect of three varieties of local apple fruits growing in northren  Iraq (red, yellow, green ). The pulp drying was dried by using three different drying methods hot air oven at the temperature 60-70C and direct sun and the shade in the normal air temperature  . The final sample moisture differed depends on the drying method  .The samples dried on hot air oven had a least final moisture content among the other methods . Phenolic content of fresh samples was different depending on the  variation of varieties also differ with drying methods .Green apples were high in phenolic content followed by yellow and red . The reducing power of three concentration of phenolic compound was 25 , 50 ,75 µg /ml .The fresh sample was highest absorption at concentration 75 µg and the dried samples the hot air drying method showed the highest rise in the absorption power at 700 nm comparated to the other methods .The dried samples in the shade was the lowest absorption in all concentrations that is mean those have the lowest reducing power.