


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of adding weights on the agricultural tractor wheels by using the moldboard plow, through measuring some machinery  parameters, such as slippage %, pulling force, practical productivity, soil adhesion on body surface and fuel consumption. The experiment was conducted  at the agricultural season (2017-2018) in one of the agricultural fields in the north east of Mosul and the soil texture was clay. The field was divided  according to experimental design under randomized complete block design (RCBD) split-split block design with three replicates. where allocated the main plots two levels of moisture content (14-16)% and (18-20)%, and the secondary plots with two levels of add weights (0 and 310) kg and  the sub secondary  plots with three levels of front speed ( 3.3, 5.6 and 7.7) km/h. The result averages were tested by multiple range Duncan test with probability (0.05). The results reveated that the moisture content (14-16)% achieved the less values for percentage of slippage, pulling force, soil adhesion on surface of the body, fuel consumption and  the higher values for practical productivity, and the effects of adding weights on tractor wheels (310) kg showed the less values for percentage of slippage, pulling force, soil adhesion on surface of the body, fuel consumption and  the higher values for practical productivity , the forward speeds (3.3) km/h recrded the less values for    slippage% and pulling force, the forward speeds (7.7) km/h recrded higher values for  practical productivity and the less values for soil adhesion on surface of the body and fuel consumption.The Interaction of  moisture content (14-16)% with the adding weights on tractor wheels (310)kg and the forward speeds (3.3) km/h  achieved the less values for percentage of slippage, pulling force. while showed the moisture content (14-16)% with the adding weights on tractor wheels (310)kg and the forward speeds (7.7) km/h the higher values for practical productivity and the less values for fuel consumption and soil adhesion on surface of the body.