A research work was done to show the effect of different shocking power and duration. So the subjection of pine seeds effected significantly. So the shock power (6Am.) significantly effected in most of characteristics (diameter, number of branch and the weight of vegetative system fresh and dry) in comparison with controls but survival percentage was the best at 4 Am. shock power so it was significantly different with control also was different with all other treatments. When stem length characteristic was significant at 10 Am. power shock. which significantly different with control, and with all other treatment, In respect of duration effect which have been significantly effected and duration of 4 minutes was the best in (survival percentage, stem length, stem diameter and vegetation weight fresh and dry) in comparison with the other treatments and at the same time duration of (6)min. was the best for number of branches characteristic when compared with other treatments, In respect of interaction treatments (4Am.×8min.) was significant for survival percentage in comparison with control. Also interaction (10Am.×6min.) Cause increase in stem length and number of branches in comparison with control and stem diameter in comparison with control, also same power of (6Am. × 4and2 min.) respectively was the best in vegetative fresh and dry weights, after this interaction of (6Am.×4 min.) was next as the best and for fresh weight and dry weight with respect to the control that resulted in least value, From these results we concluded that electrical power shock resulted in improvement of vegetative characteristics and survival percentage for pine transplants.