


A research work was done for chlorophyll and protein contents of Robinia pseudoacacia L. leave, So theseeds were treated with different shocking power and duration. Then subjection of Robiniaseeds to different electrical shock have significantly effect, so (10) Ampere shock power was the best in (chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and protein contents) in Robinia leaves in comparison with control treatment, but chlorophyll b and ratio of total chlorophyll / protein traits was significant at shock power (8) Ampere, at same time the characteristic of chlorophyll a/b ratio was significantly different for control with all other treatments. On other hand duration of shocking (6) minutes was the best in (chl. a and total chl.) and significantly different from control, but duration of (2) minutes was the best in (chl. a / b ratio and total chl. /protein ratio) and significantly different with all other characteristics, When duration of (4) minutes was the best in chl. b and duration of (8) minutes was the best for protein content characteristics in comparison with all other treatments. Interaction effect between electric shock power and duration showed that chlorophyll contents for (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll) was the best in comparison with all other treatments at (8 Am. × 4min.) and this not differ significantly with interaction of (4Am. × 6min.) also interaction of yielded highest value for the ratio of chl. a/b and this was  significantly different with control, But protein content increased at interaction of (10 Am. × 4,8 and 6 min.) and this was significantly different with control, but the highest percent for the ratio of (total chl./ protein) was recorded for the interaction (8Am.×2min.) and this significantly different with control and all other treatments, Finally we concluded that the improvement in chemical characteristics was due to subjection of Robiniaseeds to different electric shocks and different periods.