This experiment was conducted at Mosul University–college of Agriculture and Forestry during the seasons 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, Seven of naked barley entries introduced from ICARDA in addition to the locally grown variety Rihane-3 were grown under the rain fed conditions. The characters studied were: number of days to 50 % flowering, maturity date, plant height, spike length, number of grains/ spike, number of tillers/ plant, number of spikes/ m2 , biological yield, grain yield, harvest index and 100-grain weight. Highly significant differences between entries were found for : number of days to 50 % flowering, maturity date, number of grains/ spike, and grain yield/ plant. The variance spike length was high for significant at 5%. The result recoated highly significant difference were found for characters: number of days to 50 % flowering, maturity date, number of tillers/ plant, number of spikes/ m2 , number of grains/ spike, and grain yield. The interaction between entries and years were highly significant different for characters: number of days to 50 % flowering, maturity date, spike length, number of grains/ spike, grain yield/ plant. While significant at 5% for 100-grain weight. Heritability values in broad-sense were high for characters grain yield/ plant. The expected genetic advance in season 2010-2011high for: number of tillers/ plant, number of grains/ spike and medium for plant height, spike length, number of spikes/ m2, grain yield harvest index and 100-grain weight. Values of phenotypic and genetic coefficient variances were high for number of grains/ spike in 2010-2011 season .